Download the article to find out how you can use CA to improve your security posture and trust in the software supply chain in general.
As we discussed in our previous article, guidelines established by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will dramatically alter the way in which software products and services are supplied to the United States government.
Specifically, NIST SP 800-218 establishes a set of high-level, secure software development practices that are to be integrated into every Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The incorporation of these practices throughout the software supply chain is expected to promote more secure products and services for delivery not only to the US government, but, ultimately, across industries and around the globe.
In this article, we examine the role of Continuous Assurance (CA) in meeting these requirements and its implementation in your SDLC. First, we take a broad look at Continuous Assurance, why it is needed, and how it works. Then, we provide some examples and recommendations for collecting evidence and explore how this evidence can be used to verify the security of your products.