Scribe Platform

Protect your software products and factory while improving time to market

Gain visibility, secure your SDLC, control risk, and build trust
in your software products, pipelines, and processes
Blast Radius scrennshot


Gain full VISIBILITY of your software assets and risk
by SDLC auto-discovery, evidence collection, and SBOMs
MITIGATE risks in your software factory and artifacts by implementing automated SDLC guardrails
DETECT and PREVENT software tampering
by automating continuous signing and attestations

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Centralized SBOM management platform
Scribe will generate accurate SBOM at every stage of the development lifecycle using Scribe’s SCA or ingest any 3rd-party SBOM you produce or receive from your vendors and manage them in a centralized place.
Application security posture management (ASPM)
Scribe will gather the output of more than 100 AST scanners dev tools, configuration files, identities, and actions, and the context that connects them and tells their story, from developer to deployment.
Vulnerability management
Scribe will enrich the evidence with intelligence about software vulnerabilities, exploitations, reputation, licenses, and equip you with advanced analytics and reporting capabilities to perform risk analysis, triage, incident response, and decision-making analytics.
Automated guardrails for SDLC governance
Scribe will verify and gate the software development and deployment process at the end of the build, at deployment, or out-of-band with flexible policies (managed as code).
Continuous code signing, integrity, and provenance checks
Scribe will establish trust and transparency, ensuring that every link in the software supply chain can be verified for authenticity (provenance) and detect unlawful interventions.
Automated compliance with regulation and customer requirements
Scribe will equip you with blueprints for compliance with different secure development frameworks such as SLSA and SSDF to automatically generate the required attestation for every build and demonstrate the compliance necessary for your business.
SDLC assets discovery and management
  • Scan the organization’s source code managers, build systems, container registries, and production clusters, and link the discovered entities to production chains.
  • Automatically generate SBOMs, ML-BOMs, and various security attestations for every build straight from the CI pipeline.
SDLC assets discovery and management
Vulnerability management & Incident response
  • Intelligence feeds: CVSS, EPSS, KEV, Scorecard, license,  etc.
  • Define relevance: layers separation, dependencies, advisories (VEX)
  • Prioritize risk mitigation using Scribe risk analytics, flexible reports, vulnerability triage, and impact analysis (blast radius).
  • Perform forensics based on the history trail of signed evidence.
Vulnerability management & Incident response
Anti-tampering software assurance
  • Protect from attacks on your CI/CD 
  • Validate the integrity and provenance of code, algorithms, and AI models
  • Alert/ block unallowed modifications to code & CI/CD tools
Anti-tampering software assurance
SDLC Policy governance, enforcement, and compliance
  • Set up SDLC policy-as-code guardrails to govern anything and prevent policy breaches.
  • Demonstrate compliance with SLSA, SSDF, PCI, or customized policy requirements.
  • Comply with SBOM sharing requirements.
SDLC Policy governance, enforcement, and compliance

How does Scribe Platform work? A look under the hood

Scribe collectors integrate with your CI/CD to generate Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) at every stage, collect evidence and context of the process, sign code components, create attestation and enforce policy (if enabled).
The information (evidence, not code) is encrypted and transferred to Scribe’s secure cloud (SaaS) or to on-prem repository, where it is parsed, sorted and analyzed.
Scribe Software trust hub is accessible via any browser. Here you have access to the evidence, risk information and insights, advanced analytics, management console, security alerts, trust dashboards, compliance reports, team settings, sharing options, and more.