Identifying Vulnerabilities with a Software Bill of Materials: Ensuring Security, Transparency, and Compliance

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With the increased complexity of software supply chains, managing and securing software components has become more challenging. To tackle this, a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) has emerged as a crucial tool for ensuring security, transparency, and compliance in the software development lifecycle.

An SBOM is a comprehensive record of all components used in creating software, from open-source libraries to proprietary code. It offers detailed insights into the composition and origins of software, making it an indispensable asset for vulnerability management, compliance, and operational efficiency.

This article will explore how SBOMs help organizations identify vulnerabilities, enhance transparency, and ensure compliance throughout the software supply chain.

What is an SBOM?

An SBOM, or Software Bill of Materials, is essentially a list of all components within a piece of software. This includes open-source and third-party libraries, proprietary code, dependencies, and various other software elements. By cataloging all these components, SBOMs provide a transparent record that organizations can use to manage their software assets effectively.

SBOMs are typically machine-readable, allowing automated systems to scan and analyze software components to detect vulnerabilities, licensing issues, and potential security risks. These detailed records are beneficial not only for software developers but also for those who operate and purchase software, helping them make informed decisions about the security and reliability of the software they use.

The Role of SBOMs in Identifying Vulnerabilities

One of the primary benefits of an SBOM is its ability to help organizations identify vulnerabilities in their software components. Vulnerabilities can exist in any third-party library, open-source package, or piece of proprietary code used in a software product. These vulnerabilities, if left unaddressed, can be exploited by malicious actors, leading to security breaches, data leaks, and other catastrophic consequences.

  1. Improved Visibility into Software Components

SBOMs provide a detailed inventory of all software components, making it easier to track and identify components that may be vulnerable. In the event of a new vulnerability being discovered (e.g., a new Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures, or CVE, is published), organizations can quickly reference their SBOM to determine if they are using the affected component.

This improved visibility is especially crucial in large organizations with complex software stacks that rely heavily on open-source components. By having a comprehensive SBOM, security teams can react quickly to emerging threats, reducing the time it takes to identify and remediate vulnerabilities.

  1. Automated Vulnerability Management

Given that SBOMs are machine-readable, they can be integrated with automated vulnerability management tools. These tools can cross-reference an organization’s SBOM against known vulnerability databases (such as the National Vulnerability Database, NVD), identifying components that have known vulnerabilities.

For instance, a vulnerability like CVE-2023-30861 could impact a commonly used software package such as Flask. An organization with an SBOM that includes this package can automatically detect the vulnerability, assess its risk, and begin remediation efforts, such as applying patches or updates to fix the issue.

Automating this process dramatically reduces the amount of manual effort required to manage vulnerabilities and ensures that organizations remain protected from both known and emerging threats.

  1. Faster Response to Cyberattacks

In the event of a cyberattack, having an SBOM can significantly speed up the process of identifying the affected components and implementing patches or other mitigation measures. For example, if a vulnerability in an open-source library is being actively exploited in the wild, security teams can use the SBOM to quickly identify all instances of the vulnerable library across their software assets and take action to patch or mitigate the issue.

Without an SBOM, this process would be much slower, requiring teams to manually audit their software to determine which components are affected. This delay can leave organizations exposed to ongoing attacks and increase the potential damage caused by the vulnerability.

Transparency Across the Supply Chain

Another key advantage of SBOMs is the transparency they provide throughout the software supply chain. As organizations increasingly rely on third-party vendors and open-source components, it becomes difficult to maintain visibility into the security and compliance of these external elements. SBOMs offer a solution by providing a transparent record of all components, allowing organizations to track their software’s composition more effectively.

  1. Supply Chain Transparency

SBOMs allow organizations to understand exactly where their software components come from and who is responsible for maintaining them. This transparency extends across the entire software supply chain, making it easier to assess the security posture of third-party vendors and open-source projects.

For instance, in the wake of the SolarWinds attack, which exploited weaknesses in the software supply chain, the need for greater transparency became apparent. SBOMs can help prevent similar incidents by enabling organizations to scrutinize every component within their software and assess potential risks more accurately.

  1. Collaborative Security

By sharing SBOMs with partners, customers, and other stakeholders, organizations can collaborate on security efforts, improving the overall resilience of the software supply chain. Sharing SBOMs allows organizations to detect and respond to vulnerabilities across the supply chain more effectively, helping to protect all parties involved in the software ecosystem.

While concerns have been raised about whether sharing SBOMs could provide attackers with a “roadmap” to vulnerabilities, experts argue that the benefits of transparency outweigh these risks. As noted in the SBOM FAQ, transparency offers significant defensive advantages, leveling the playing field for defenders and enabling more robust security practices across the board.

Ensuring Compliance with Regulatory Requirements

As governments and industries adopt more stringent cybersecurity regulations, SBOMs are becoming a critical tool for ensuring compliance. For example, the U.S. Executive Order 14028 on improving the nation’s cybersecurity includes requirements for producing and maintaining SBOMs to enhance the security of software products.

  1. Regulatory Compliance

An SBOM helps organizations comply with various regulatory frameworks by providing a clear, detailed inventory of software components. Regulatory bodies such as the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and NIST now encourage the use of SBOMs to ensure software transparency and security.

In industries like healthcare and financial services, where regulatory requirements for software security are particularly stringent, SBOMs can serve as a critical tool for demonstrating compliance and avoiding costly fines or penalties.

  1. Licensing Compliance

Beyond security vulnerabilities, SBOMs also help organizations manage software licensing issues. Many software components, especially open-source ones, come with specific licensing requirements that must be adhered to. Failure to comply with these requirements can result in legal and financial repercussions.

By cataloging all components and their associated licenses, SBOMs provide organizations with the information they need to ensure they are in full compliance with software licensing agreements. This transparency reduces the risk of unintentional licensing violations and helps organizations avoid costly legal disputes.

Additional Benefits of SBOMs

In addition to the core benefits of identifying vulnerabilities, enhancing transparency, and ensuring compliance, SBOMs offer several other advantages:

  1. Operational Efficiency

SBOMs improve operational efficiency by providing a clear record of all software components, their versions, and their dependencies. This clarity allows organizations to streamline software maintenance, reduce duplication of effort, and ensure that software updates are applied consistently across all instances of a given component.

By reducing the time and effort required to manage software components, SBOMs allow organizations to focus on innovation and development rather than firefighting security and compliance issues.

  1. Risk Management

By providing a detailed inventory of all software components, SBOMs allow organizations to better quantify and manage risk. With a clear understanding of the risks posed by each component, organizations can make more informed decisions about which components to use, which to update, and which to replace.

This proactive approach to risk management reduces the likelihood of security breaches and improves the overall resilience of the software supply chain.

How Scribe Security’s Platform Enhances SBOM-Based Security, Transparency, and Compliance

As software supply chains become increasingly complex and cyberattacks grow more sophisticated, ensuring robust security and compliance has become paramount for organizations. One of the most critical tools in achieving this is the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM), which provides transparency into the components used within software applications. SBOMs allow organizations to track open-source, third-party, and proprietary components to maintain a secure and compliant software environment. Scribe Security’s platform offers a comprehensive solution to help organizations leverage SBOMs for enhanced security, transparency, and compliance. In this article, we will explore how Scribe Security’s platform addresses these key areas.

  1. SBOM-Based Security

One of the primary goals of Scribe Security’s platform is to improve the overall security of software supply chains by leveraging SBOMs to identify vulnerabilities and manage risk. The platform uses advanced tools to integrate SBOMs directly into the software development lifecycle (SDLC), ensuring that all components are continuously monitored for potential risks.

  • Vulnerability Identification and Remediation

SBOMs provide a transparent record of every software component, enabling organizations to cross-reference these components with known vulnerability databases such as the National Vulnerability Database (NVD). Scribe Security’s platform automates this process by continuously scanning SBOMs for any components associated with newly identified vulnerabilities. The platform also integrates real-time updates, allowing organizations to respond to emerging threats promptly.

For instance, if a critical vulnerability like CVE-2023-30861 is discovered in a software package listed within the SBOM, the platform automatically detects it and provides actionable insights. These insights include identifying the affected packages, suggesting remediation steps (such as patching or upgrading the software), and tracking the progress of fixes. This process minimizes the risk of a security breach and ensures that organizations maintain a proactive approach to vulnerability management.

  • Real-Time Monitoring and Threat Detection

Another key advantage of Scribe Security’s platform is its ability to provide real-time monitoring of software components. By analyzing SBOMs, the platform ensures continuous security throughout the SDLC, from development to deployment. This is particularly important in modern DevSecOps environments, where rapid code deployment can introduce new vulnerabilities if not properly monitored.

Scribe Security’s platform monitors for potential supply chain attacks, which are increasingly common in today’s cybersecurity landscape. These attacks target vulnerabilities in third-party libraries and open-source components. By integrating SBOMs, the platform ensures that any changes or additions to the software supply chain are scrutinized for security flaws, preventing malicious actors from exploiting hidden vulnerabilities.

  • Risk Management and Prioritization

Not all vulnerabilities pose the same level of risk, which is why Scribe Security’s platform includes risk management tools that help organizations prioritize their remediation efforts. The platform uses SBOMs to assess the severity of vulnerabilities based on factors such as exploitability, potential business impact, and the criticality of the affected component.

For example, a vulnerability in a core system component may be deemed more critical than one in a less essential part of the software. Scribe Security’s platform helps prioritize these vulnerabilities, ensuring that security teams focus their efforts on mitigating the most critical risks first. By aligning vulnerability remediation efforts with the organization’s risk management strategy, the platform enhances the overall security posture.

  1. SBOM-Based Transparency

Transparency is essential for maintaining trust within the software supply chain. Scribe Security’s platform ensures that organizations have complete visibility into their software components, enabling better decision-making and collaboration with stakeholders. By leveraging SBOMs, the platform provides a detailed overview of the software supply chain, fostering transparency at every stage of development and deployment.

  • Full Visibility into Software Components

Scribe Security’s platform offers organizations full visibility into the components used within their software applications. SBOMs list every component—whether open-source, third-party, or proprietary—along with relevant metadata such as version numbers, licenses, and supplier details. This level of transparency is critical for managing the complexity of modern software development, where applications often rely on numerous external components.

With this detailed record, organizations can easily track the origin of each component and assess its security and compliance risks. This visibility also helps prevent issues such as component drift, where different versions of a software component are unintentionally used across different environments. By maintaining a clear inventory of all software components, the platform ensures consistency and transparency throughout the software lifecycle.

  • Supply Chain Transparency and Collaboration

In the context of software supply chains, transparency is not only about understanding your own software components but also ensuring visibility into the components supplied by third-party vendors. Scribe Security’s platform enables organizations to collaborate with their suppliers and partners by sharing SBOMs, ensuring that all parties have access to the same information regarding software components and their security status.

By providing a shared view of the software supply chain, SBOMs help identify potential risks across the entire ecosystem. This collaborative approach fosters trust between software producers and consumers, enabling more effective risk management and enhancing the overall security of the supply chain.

  • Enabling Informed Decision-Making

SBOMs provide the information needed to make informed decisions about software development and procurement. Scribe Security’s platform uses SBOMs to highlight potential risks, such as the inclusion of components with known vulnerabilities or outdated licenses. This information allows organizations to make strategic decisions about whether to continue using certain components, replace them with more secure alternatives, or negotiate better terms with third-party vendors.

For example, an organization may choose to discontinue the use of a third-party library if its SBOM reveals that the component has multiple unresolved vulnerabilities or is no longer being actively maintained by the supplier. By providing the insights needed to make these decisions, the platform ensures that organizations maintain a secure and transparent software supply chain.

  1. SBOM-Based Compliance

Regulatory compliance is becoming increasingly important for organizations, particularly in industries with strict cybersecurity requirements. Scribe Security’s platform helps organizations maintain compliance with various regulatory frameworks by leveraging SBOMs to demonstrate security controls, manage licenses, and ensure adherence to industry standards.

  • Demonstrating Compliance with Cybersecurity Regulations

Many regulatory frameworks now require organizations to maintain transparency and accountability regarding their software components. For instance, Executive Order 14028 issued by the U.S. government mandates the use of SBOMs to ensure the security of software used in critical infrastructure and government systems.

Scribe Security’s platform simplifies the process of complying with these regulations by automating the generation and management of SBOMs. The platform integrates seamlessly with the organization’s existing software development processes, ensuring that SBOMs are continuously updated and available for audits or regulatory reviews. By maintaining an accurate and up-to-date SBOM, organizations can demonstrate that they are taking the necessary steps to secure their software supply chain.

  • Compliance with Licensing Requirements

Beyond security, SBOMs also help organizations manage software licensing compliance. Many open-source components come with specific licensing terms that must be adhered to, and failure to comply with these terms can result in legal and financial penalties.

Scribe Security’s platform helps organizations track and manage the licenses associated with each software component. The platform identifies potential licensing conflicts or obligations, such as the need to disclose the use of certain open-source libraries. This proactive approach to license management helps organizations avoid legal disputes and ensures that they remain compliant with all relevant licensing agreements.

  • Adhering to Industry Standards

In addition to regulatory requirements, many industries have established standards for software security and transparency. Frameworks like NIST’s Secure Software Development Framework (SSDF) and CISA’s SBOM guidelines provide guidance on best practices for managing software supply chains and ensuring security.

Scribe Security’s platform aligns with these industry standards, helping organizations implement the necessary security controls and maintain compliance. By providing a structured approach to managing SBOMs, the platform ensures that organizations adhere to industry best practices and meet the security expectations of regulators and customers alike.


As the complexity of software supply chains continues to grow, SBOMs have become an essential tool for managing security, transparency, and compliance. Scribe Security’s platform provides a comprehensive solution that leverages SBOMs to identify vulnerabilities, enhance transparency, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

By automating the generation and management of SBOMs, Scribe Security’s platform enables organizations to maintain full visibility into their software components, collaborate effectively with partners, and demonstrate compliance with cybersecurity regulations. The platform’s real-time monitoring and threat detection capabilities further enhance security, helping organizations proactively mitigate risks and maintain a secure software supply chain.

In a world where cyberattacks and regulatory pressures are becoming more prevalent, Scribe Security’s SBOM-based platform offers organizations the tools they need to build secure, transparent, and compliant software ecosystems. Whether it’s identifying vulnerabilities, managing licenses, or meeting regulatory standards, the platform ensures that organizations can navigate the challenges of modern software development with confidence.

This content is brought to you by Scribe Security, a leading end-to-end software supply chain security solution provider – delivering state-of-the-art security to code artifacts and code development and delivery processes throughout the software supply chains. Learn more.