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Cyber Riskshift left image
Rubi Arbel Striking Balance: Redefining Software Security with ‘Shift Left’ and SDLC Guardrails

TL;DR In recent years, the tech industry has fervently championed the concept of “shifting left” in software development, advocating for early integration of security practices into the development lifecycle. This movement aims to empower developers with the responsibility of ensuring their code’s security from the project’s inception. However, while the intentions behind this approach are […]

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Cyber RiskML BOM
Danny Nebenzahl ML-What? Understanding the ML-Bom Concept and Uses

The industry has not yet fully grasped the idea of an SBOM, and we already started hearing a new term – ML-BOM – Machine Learning Bill of Material. Before panic sets in, let’s understand why such a BOM should be produced, the challenges in generating an ML-BOM, and what such an ML-BOM can look like. […]

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Cyber Risk
Danny Nebenzahl A Secret Encounter in the Software Supply Chain

One of the risks of the software supply chain is secrets leaking. Secrets are all around the software supply chain; developers and the CI\CD pipelines need to use secrets to access the SCM, the pipeline, the artifact registries, the cloud environments, and external services. And when secrets are everywhere, it is a question of time […]

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Cyber RiskAn image of a chessboard
Barak Brudo What Has Changed in NIST’s Cybersecurity Framework 2.0 and Why Should You Care?

In early August, the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released a draft 2.0 version of its landmark Cybersecurity Framework, first published in 2014. A lot has changed over the past 10 years, not least of which is the rising level of cybersecurity threats that the original document set out to help critical […]

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Cyber RiskAn image representing the dependency graph
Mikey Strauss CycloneDX SBOM Dependency Graph – What Is It Good For?

We’ve all heard a lot about SBOMs recently. We heard about their usefulness, their composition, and their requirements for security and regulation. This time I want to take the time to talk about a little less-known segment of the CyclonDX SBOM – the Dependency Graph.  Unlike the name implies the Dependency Graph is not a […]

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Cyber RiskAn image of a broken puzzle
Barak Brudo SBOM Signing: Resolving An Ever-Changing Jigsaw

A lot of words have been written in the past few years about the SBOM – Software Bill Of Materials. With all this exposure people feel they know what it is well enough to explain – it’s a list of software ingredients, it’s important for transparency and security, and it helps expose transient dependencies. All […]

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Cyber Risk
Barak Brudo Using Valint To Apply Policies To Your SDLC

Valint is the main Scribe tool for creating, managing, signing, and verifying evidence. In a previous post, we covered the theory of using signing and verifying evidence as a main tool in validating the security of your CI/CD pipeline. As a short reminder, Scribe’s proposed model includes several building blocks that can be shuffled and […]

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Cyber Risk
Barak Brudo CISA’s Secure Software Self-Attestation Common Form: A Turning Point for Liability

On September 2022, the United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a landmark memo regarding the steps needed to secure your software supply chain to a degree acceptable by the US federal government. Any company that wishes to do business with the government and any federal agency producing software needs to comply with […]

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Cyber Risk
Barak Brudo How To Avoid CVE Burnout and Alert Fatigue in Vulnerability Scans?

CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) scans are essential to securing your software applications. However, with the increasing complexity of software stacks, identifying and addressing all CVEs can be challenging. One of the biggest issues with CVE scans today is the prevalence of false positives, where a vulnerability is identified in a package that is not […]

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Cyber RiskAn image representing safe harbor
Barak Brudo Providing a Safe Harbor From Liability for Software Producers

On March 2023 the White House released a new National Cybersecurity Strategy. The strategy outlines a list of 5 pillars the White House considers critical to improving cybersecurity for all Americans, both public and private sector. The third pillar deals with the drive to shape market forces to improve security and resilience. Part of that […]

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